Sunday, November 4, 2012

Trendy Turquoise

Trending now is this really great blue-green "turquoisey" color that is a great accent color or even a neutral background color that anything goes with! It adds a fresh, clean look to any space that I just love! In fact, I just ran into a friend at Pier One who was looking to redecorate her bedroom in...guess what...Peacocks! :)  Great colors!

Studies have shown how colors affect our moods, so I thought I would share what was said about Blue & Green (since turquoise is a combination of the two):

How the color blue affects us physically and mentally
* Calming and sedate
* Cooling
* Aids intuition

How the color green affects us physically and mentally
* Soothing
* Relaxing mentally as well as physically
* Helps alleviate depression, nervousness and anxiety
* Offers a sense of renewal, self-control and harmony

Here are some items to check out (click on the links for more info.)!

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